
In 1980, the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy conducted a study by polling 644 therapists about their 384,775 patients. Overall, the poll covered 5,579,238 ozone treatments. Forty cases of side effects were noted for a total rate of 0.000007%, with only four fatalities. This indicates ozone can be one of the safest therapies available.

Many problems in the human body form in low oxygen environments. Yeasts, fungus, many bacteria and viruses are anaerobic and thrive in low oxygen environments. When exposed to high oxygen, they die and can then be detoxified from the body through the liver, kidneys or sweat.

Ozone and Medical Therapies

Ozone is versatile and powerful. In Europe, extensive research has been done on ozone in medical settings. Some of the possible effects include:

Inactivation of viruses, bacteria and fungi: Ozone disrupts the stability of damaged cell envelopes through the per-oxidation of lipoproteins and phospholipids. In viruses, ozone damages the capsid and the reproductive cycle by interrupting contact between the virus and cells. Cells that have been infected by viruses previously have weak coatings and are more susceptible to being destroyed. In fungi, at certain stages ozone inhibits cell growth.

Enhanced circulation: Clumping of red blood cells due to circulatory disease decreases oxygen absorption and hinders blood flow. Red cell flexibility decreases, preventing them from traveling down tiny capillaries. Viscosity of the blood increases. Clumping is reduced with ozone therapy and cell flexibility returns with greater oxygen carrying capabilities. Viscosity decreases as tissues are oxygenated. Ozone can also reduce plaque in arteries through oxidation, unclogging vessels by allowing removal of breakdown products.

Oxygen metabolism stimulation: Ozone produces an increase in the glycolysis rate of red blood cells. This stimulates 2.3-diphosphoglycerate, shifting to the right the oxy-hemoglobin curve. This raises the release of oxygen to surrounding tissues. Enzyme production is stimulated and enzymes act as cell wall protectors and free radical scavengers. The Krebs cycle is activated by enhancing pyruvate's oxidative decarboxylation, kick-starting the production of ATP. There is also a significant reduction in HADH which helps in the oxidation of cytochromes.

Malignant tumors: Malignant cells have a higher rate of glycolysis which means they produce more lactate. With ozone, lactate production is decreased significantly, showing that the cell's metabolism is inhibited. Cells in tumors are peroxide intolerant due to insufficient catalase and peroxidase. Ozone is then able to oxidize the outer layer of malignant cells and destroys them.

Immune system activation: The production of interleukin and interferon is stimulated by ozone, which causes a cascade of immunological reactions.

Peroxide formation: Ozone reacts with the lipid layer's unsaturated fatty acids, forming hydro peroxides. This produces peroxyl radicals that are vital for killer cell actions.

The Vital Nature of Oxygen

Oxygen is vital to the body's health. Sugar and oxygen are the primary nutrients required by cells to create energy for life functions. These include synthesis of chemicals compounds, transport of molecules and mechanical jobs like contractions of muscles. There are thousands of these reactions happening all the time. They allow the immune system to battle infections, the heart to pump our blood, the nervous system to process information and the digestive tract to digest food.

Oxygen is also necessary for the structural components of organic compounds used as essential nutrients, like fatty acids and vitamins. It plays a big role in removing waste from the system. As we age, our bodies transport and extract oxygen with less efficiency. The effect of lack of oxygen decreases nutrient flow to tissues, the impairment of necessary chemical reactions and the growth of deficiency diseases. Therefore an abundance of oxygen can create well being and health.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. No health claims have been evaluated by the FDA nor has the FDA approved ozone to cure, diagnose or prevent disease. Because every person is unique, we recommend you consult your health care practitioner about using ozone for your situation.